Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas day 2008

Same message as always

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Yeshua Lives Forevermore

click here to live forever too.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Today is 22 Kislev 5769 Jewish Calender

Wake up says the L-RD of angel armies.
The day of your salvation is here.

Forget it!
Just sleep it off.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today is 21 Kislev 5769 Jewish Calender

Repent 4 the day of the L-RD is here.
The L-RD our G-d shouts down from
heaven, and the mountains melt away
as the earth shakes in fear.

I will be the first one to tell U that I am a sinner.
With all the right seasonings & trimmings, and
I am good at it......without even trying. But I also
know that I can be forgiven & seen as pure by G-d
if I ask G-d to forgive me. The moment that Yeshua
died on the cross, "the veil of the temple was rent
in the midst." That means that it was torn in two pieces
forever exposing the holy of holies deep within. And thus
giving all who believe, access to G-d Himself thru His
son Yeshua (Jesus the Christ). As long as I believe this
& repent daily, then I a big ugly sinner, can look perfect
in the eyes of G-d our Father, to believe that His son 
Yeshua died but rose to life again on the third day.

That act of death and resurrection by Yeshau was to 
enable all mankind to be able to come directly to G-d
without the need for any other blood sacrifice nor any
ceremonial nor ritualistic magic nor conjuring needed.
Just a simple child like belief in Him, will make G-d so
happy, that U might even get a blessing....G-d only knows!